
Berries and then some: Brooke

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Brooke sat in the back of her chair, bored.  It was the day of the big history test and, as usual, she had been among the first to finish.  Normally, this would have pleased her, bit today she had left all her books and magazines at home, leaving her with nothing to do but bother over question twelve and whether or not she should have answered D instead of B.

She was half tempted to pull out her make-up mirror and entertain herself that way, but she didn’t even want to bother.  With her long brunette hair thrown back in a pony tail and her navy tank-top and jeans, she simply had nothing to do unless she wanted to look ridiculous with her only case of pink eyeshadow.  Absently, she began digging through her book bag.  Compass, pen, last week’s english homework…

“I wonder if I have any gum,” she thought vaguely.  Almost instantly, her fingers brushed a small something wrapped in candy paper.  Curious, she pulled it out and glanced it over.  It was a small blue-wrapped piece of gum with large yellow letters reading:

BB Blueberry Flavored Wonka-themed gum
Incredible flavor
Long-lasting taste
Unforgettable experience
Warning: …

She shrugged, not bothering to read on.  She hadn’t had much of a lunch and was still hungry.  At least this would occupy her time.

Glancing quickly up to make sure the teacher was looking away, she unwrapped the gum and popped it in her mouth, shoving the wrapper in her pocket.

The taste hit her immediately.  It was blueberry all right, and not that cheap flavoring found in most candy.  It was almost as though she had just chewed down on a handful of plump, ripe blueberries straight from the orchard.  Juice flooded her mouth so quickly that she had to swallow to keep from either choking or allowing it to dribble out of her mouth.  Exquisite!  She stretched her arms out across her desk enjoying the flavor.

After a few minutes, the flavor didn’t seem to diminish.  In fact, it intensified, as though all the flavor was piling up inside of her mouth, and she was practically drinking the juice in.  This sure was some quality gum, though she wasn’t certain where she’d gotten it.

Moments later she noticed the scratching of pencils had all but stopped around her.  Had everyone else already turned their tests in?  Brooke opened her eyes, glancing around.  It seemed everyone was darting their gazes away just as her eyes lit on them, as though they were trying to look innocent.  She shrugged mentally and all but choked as another flood of flavor surged through her mouth, nearly causing her to gag.  She swallowed quickly, and felt a small lump go down with it.

“Oh no,” she thought, agitated. “I must have swallowed the gum.”

Oh well, easy come easy go, though it was very good gum.  She rubbed her stomach absently.  It was feeling a little bloated.  Well, they said gum could do that to you.  She waited for it to subside, loosening her belt several notches to relieve some of the pressure, but instead, it grew more intense, as thought something was pumping water directly into her stomach on and on, pushing its limits.  In moments it went from a mild irritation to full-on cramps.  Brooke ground her teeth together and moved to lean her head on one hand…

One very, very blue hand.

Her eyes widened, and she was certain she would have gasped aloud had she felt her body could take the additional pressure of air.  Her entire arm was such a dark shade of sapphire that it nearly shone in the dim light of the classroom.

The cramps in her abdomen seemed suddenly jealous of the attention her skin was getting for it twinged painfully again, leaving her breathless as the feeling tightened.  Terrified, she shut her eyes and wrapped her arms around her midsection, willing it to stop.  The pressure had become all but unbearable.

She shuddered and suppressed a groan as a great gushing feeling surged through her whole body and her stomach pushed out of its own will, pushing back her arms.  Brooke’s eyes flew open and she pressed her fingers against her bloated belly.  The skin was firmer and tighter than normal.  Another rush or juice roared through her, causing her fingers to spread as her stomach surged forward.

Now her stomach rested between her thighs like a six-month pregnant woman.  Brooke breathed deeply and placed her hands on either side of her rotund midsection and tried vainly to push it back in, but to no avail other than to aggravate the incredible pressure.

She winced as it increased once more.  As though her body had decided her stomach had suffered enough, it rushed down to her thighs and behind, filling them up quickly.  She bit back a whimper at the horrid rushing feeling as her hips flared out, her thighs fattening quickly.  Desperately, she tried to knock her knees together, but the awful swelling in her thighs caused them to push out and against each other, creating a comfortable pocket for her stomach to sink down into.

As her butt swelled, she felt herself rise up a few inches in her chair.  The bar that connected the chair to the desk began sinking into her inflated side, and she winced at the humiliation.  But it seemed that all she could do not was wait for the swelling to stop.

It didn’t.

To her horror, she kept growing.  Her stomach began to fill again, taking her chest with it as it quickly expanded into the short distance between her and the desk.  She rose a few more inches up, and could feel the edge of the chair biting into her skin as her hips grew wider than the chair itself.  Around her, murmured whispers shot up.

“Omigosh!  Look at her!  Her butt’s bigger than her chair!  She looks like she’s about to break it!  She’s so blue!  If she lays down on her back that weight would crush her!  What’s happening?  She looks like a blueberry, like from Willy Wonka!  She’s going to pop!  She’s going to explode!”

The taste of blueberries grew more powerful in her mouth, and Brooke tried not to gag on them, though she saw no point in holding back her panic any further.  Her back had begun pushing against the back of her seat as it, too, expanded, shoving her further into the mow painful edge of her desk.  Her belt, which had fit loosely only fifteen minutes ago, was strained to its limits and cutting more painfully into her gut than anything else.

Desperately, she began trying to pry herself out of her seat with her arms, but even as she did so they, too, began to blow up with juice.

After several desperate moments, she popped out of her chair with the loud crack and collapsed on the floor.  She braced her palms against the cold tile, tripping over her feet for traction as she tried to lift her bloated form.  Everyone in the class was too shocked to help her until at last, her friend Lily hopped out of her seat.

“Ma’am,” she called to the teacher, who only nodded, wide-eyed.  Lily dashed over and helped heave Brooke to her feet, grunting slightly.  Brooke was sorely out of breath and had to try not to lean on poor Lily.  For a moment, all she could do was stare dismally down at herself.  She looked worse than fat or pregnant, she looked inflated.  It wouldn’t even be worth trying to fit her hands around her gigantic belly.  If she was lucky, she might have been able to brush her fingers together around where her belt pulled part of the massive growth in.

“Come on,” Lily said urgently. “Let’s get you out of here.”

Brooke nodded breathlessy, turning to follow her friend out the class.  But all she could manage was a few awkward waddling steps before the pressure around her midsection became too great.  Her belt, still grappling fiercely with her swelling body, was stretched beyond its limits and cutting off her air.

“Brooke, what is it?” Lily asked, alarmed.  Brooke doubled over as best she could, fumbling with her fattening fingers to untie the belt, but it was no use.  Every movement felt as though there was liquid sloshing around inside of her, limiting her movement.

“The belt,” she gasped on what little air she could muster. “Get… it off….”

Lily took a step forward, but a boy in the front row grabbed her arm and held her back, shaking his head.  For a moment Brooke wondered what was wrong with him, until it occurred to her that noone could get it off of her.

She groaned, clenching her fists as her stomach heaved forward.  The belt creaked and whined as it strained against her skin, and suddenly, is snapped away with a large crack!  Brooke gasped in relief that the sharp pain around her middle was gone, but now her stomach could distend further without anything to hinder it.

“Come on,” Lily hissed in her ear, grabbing her hand and pulling her toward the door.  Brooke waddled after her as fast as she could, grunting as the substance inside her sloshed and churned with her every step.

Lily slipped through the door and Brooke made to follow, but life was making nothing easy on her.  Now nearly twice the size she had once been, the doorway was a daunting and suddenly narrow challenge to go straight through, but even slipping through sideways would be no good, as now she was wider that way than anything else.  Sucking it in as best she could, Brooke began to ease through the door, both sides brushing her huge body.

Halfway through, she swallowed as the blueberry taste intensified in her mouth again, and the pressure increased.  She whimpered as she bloated even further, her hips expanding to press tightly on either side of the doorframe.  Her stomach lurched forward, and her knees began to tremble with her suddenly stationary bulk.  The pressure grew, and Brooke shut her eyes, fighting back anxious tears.

“Oh no,” she gasped. “I-I’m stuck… I can’t go any further!”

“Come on!” Lily urged grabbing her hand and pulling.  This only served to make Brooke more uncomfortable as she slowly swelled into the doorframe.  The pressure building up inside her was so terrible…

Suddenly, there was a sharp push from behind as several of her classmates helped to edge her out somewhat, and her eyes widened.  There was no way!  She was just too far stuck into the door to…

Another push, and another.  It was clear they were giving it their all, but it was only helping slightly to get her out the doorframe.

“Hurry!” she cried.  One of the boys-a particularly tough football player-called for her not to worry.  She waited several seconds as she heard the sound of his feet scuffing backward against the floor in the room, and then-


She staggered out the doorframe and would have surely collapsed on Lily had the poor girl managed to catch her and heave her upright.  Without even thanking the classmates (it was rather too urgent at the moment) They took off down the hall, Lily bouncing about in an agitated manner as Brook waddled quickly behind her.  Her arms bobbed slightly with each thunderous step, for they had filled with so much juice that they could no longer lie flat, but weren’t quite big enough to stick straight out.

“Can’t use the elevator,” Lily mumbled anxiously. “Even if you could fit through the door by the time we reached the first door, the weight would probably break it…”

“You can’t mean the stairs!” Brooke cried. “Look at me!  I look eleven months pregnant with triplets!  How can I possibly get down those stairs?”

Lily bit her lip.

“Carefully,” she replied cryptically. “And don’t flatter yourself.  That was your size before you got out of the classroom!”

Brooke waddled to the top of the stairs and sighed deeply, staring down.  Two flights to the ground floor… but if she stayed at the top, then what?  What if she got so huge she broke through the floor?

Uneasily, she stepped on the first stair, gripping the railing for dear life with her chubby arms.  Her legs trembled with the effort, but she was grateful enough to appreciate that she still had legs!  How long would that last?  She took several more steps, nearly tottering over with each one.  Her clothing groaned and creaked as her jeans threatened to give way from the effort of moving.  Her top, once loose, had ridden up to barely cover her chest now, cutting into her fat shoulders.

One more step.  One more…

One of the seams on her thigh ripped, exposing the violent indigo skin beneath.  Brooke winced, trying not to focus on her inflating body.  Movement seemed to slow it down a little bit…

Halfway down the first flight, she paused, gasping for air.  Lily hopped around nervously, trying to be of assistance in some way.  It was so hard to move… and the pressure was so great!

Uneasily, Brooke took another step; and cried out as a sudden powerful surge of what she assumed to be berry juice tore through her body, causing belly to grow tighter and rounder, her legs to fill, her arms to stick up more for their sheer size.  Even her face plumped as her cheeks puffed up and her lips filled.  A rushing excitement filled her chest, and she wondered vaguely what had caused this one.  Her ankles, unprepared for the sudden growth, trembled and gave way, causing her knees to buckle and she fell down the stairs, bouncing and rolling uncomfortably.  Lily shrieked and dashed to keep up, but the force of gravity on Brooke’s bloated form was astounding.

She came to a sudden halt as she hit the will, her fingers and feet barely touching the floor.

“Oh, Brooke!” Lily cried.

“Get these shoes off me!” Brooke begged irritably. “They’re cutting into my feet.

After several moments of grunting and tugging, Lily managed to pry the shoes off of Brooke’s feet, relieving a little more pressure.   Then, with a great deal of huffing and puffing, she managed to push Brooke up off the floor and onto her feet again.  Judging by how red her face was afterward, it wouldn’t be much longer that Lily would be able to do that.

Lily looked her over wide-eyed, breathing.

“Look at you,” she croaked, reaching out and pressing her fingers against Brooke’s tight blue stomach.  The skin hardly gave way, and Brooke moaned softly.  It was rather uncomfortable. “You’re just like a giant…”

“Blueberry.” Brooke finished for her. “Quick, where can we go where I won’t be seen?”

Lily glanced up, disoriented for a moment, then quickly answered.

“The gym.  Noone’s in there this time of day.  But can you walk?”

“I can try!” Brooke insisted stubbornly.  She was terribly unwilling to give that up until the absolute last moment.  Unfortunately, her growing torso had begun absorbing her limbs and had already assimilated her legs nearly to the knees and her arms to the elbows.  And what little limb that was left were really just tight cones that bounced when she moved.

She managed to shuffle her feet slowly, gaining a few feet beside Lily before she suddenly couldn’t do it anymore.  She had grown too big, and no longer had the strength.  The pressure intensified inside of her once more, like someone was actually trying to burst her.

“I can’t go anymore,” she gasped airily, flapping her thick arms in frustration. “It’s just too hard… Oh no, Lily, I feel like I’m going to pop!”

“Come on!” Lily urged desperately.

“I feel so full,” Brooke groaned. “I can’t walk anymore… I’m just too big!”

Lily seemed to understand and, grunting loudly, managed to push the massive blueberry-girl onto her side.  Brooke stared down in semi-awe.  She was laying on her stomach and yet her head was still several feet above the ground.

“Here goes,” Lily called, and began pushing Brooke through the halls like some giant ball.  Brooke wanted to reply, but the expansion had sped up again and her cheeks were too fattened to allow comfortable speech.  As they sped down the halls, she could feel herself growing bigger and bigger, her massive body bloating even further as it absorbed her hands and feet quickly as it could.  Her backside grew as well, and the lopsided ride grew smoother as the juice flowed into her back, rounding her out like a perfect berry.  She was nearly choking on the blueberry taste, but nothing could be done for it.

After several minutes of sloshing and swelling, she felt her side brush the ceiling.

“Mmmph!” she choked loudly, desperately.  Lily did not respond, but they both knew that Brooke needed to get to the gym before she became too large for even the hallway.  Her plump toes began sliding against the wall as she went, and she began slowing down as the hall seemed to shrink.

“Almost there,” Lily puffed, pushing as hard as she could. “Downhill from here till the gym!”

Downhill indeed!  After that last push, Brooke hardly needed to worry about Lily pushing her.  It no longer mattered whether or not the hall was tight on her!  Gravity was pulling her into the gym just downhill from the tiled floor.

Brooke grew dizzy for the spinning scenery around her and closed her eyes.  What would happen if she retched like this?  Would it taste like blueberries?

Something crashed against her side and Brooke realized it was the gym door and a quarter of the wall as she rolled at high-speed into the empty gym.  How hard it was to feel things when your nerves were stretched so thin!  She glanced up at the ceiling, for she had finally stopped on her back, and bit her lip.  The pressure was so great… it was hard to focus on anything else.  Would she pop?  Or go on growing until even the massive gym no longer fit her?

She ‘mmphed’ loudly as the rush of liquid inside her caused her to grow larger than ever, her body taking in all her limbs save her fingers and toes.  She rose further off the floor, growing larger with each passing second.  She was as round as a beachball now… and larger than a living room!  She moaned and whimpered, unable to even bite her puffy lips, for she couldn’t move her jaws enough against her overblown shoulders to do so.  She vaguely felt her fingers and toes fattening to little sausages, and her clothes groaned and all but gave way when-

It stopped.  Almost as large as a house, and hardly able to breathe for the weight and pressure, but she was no longer growing.  She would have been relieved had there not still been the puzzle of getting back to normal.

She felt something crawling up her side slipping several times because her skin was so tight it was hard to get any traction, but at last Lily could be seen scrambling up onto her distant stomach and staring wide-eyed.

“What are we going to do with you now?” she breathed.  Brooke tried to answer, but her muffled grunts were of no use in the situation.  Lily furrowed her brows in concentration, put her ear to the skin of Brooke’s stomach, and slapped down hard with one hand.

There was a terrible sloshing of water-though Lily didn’t seem to feel it so much- that caused Brooke to groan loudly in protest.  Lily nodded.

“You’re filled with some sort of liquid,” she muttered. “We’ve got to get it out of you somehow.”

Then, without and further explanation, she stood and jumped down hard on Brooke’s abdomen.   Brooke choked as blueberry juice crawled up her throat, some of it dribbling between her fat lips.  Lily watched intently and jumped again, harder this time.  Now the juice surged forward so quickly that some of it managed to dribble from between her lips.  Lily sniffed the air.

“Smells like blueberries,” she noted. “You’ve filled up with the juice, haven’t you?”

Brooke ‘mmphed’ loudly.  Lily shrugged.

“Well, for now there’s only one way to get it out of you.”

And with that she jumped again.
Part one in the series. THis is the Blueberry girl, Brooke.
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weskerfollowers's avatar
If it were up to me I would've just left her that way, she was probably asking to be left alone through her muffled grunts.